February 14th marked our 8 year anniversary, I can still remember the day I met Macro. It seems like just yesterday that I was sitting at the Main Street Parade at Disneyland and cross the way there stood a very good looking guy. I wish I could say it was love at first sight but it wasn't although I did think he was mighty hot.... still do. From that day forward we kept running into each other, it turned out we had the same friends but never managed to make it to the same outings and so began our dating days. I know most people say the first year is the honeymoon of any relationship because you are getting to know your partner and going on adventures but I can honestly say ours lasted for three year and it keeps getting better with time.
Marco and I have gone through so much together and he has been my rock, the one person that has been by my side no matter what and has always had my back. I owe a lot to him and can't thank him enough for loving me and all of my imperfections. I have always known that Marco would be a great dad some day and that day started on April 18th when we found out we were having a little one. I was able to experience for the very first time just how wonderful we would be on November 1st when we welcomed our little miracle baby into this world.
I have fallen in love with Marco many times over the years but every time I see him with Annalise I fall just a little bit deeper and my heart grows a little more each time. Marco you are an amazing man, friend, partner in crime and Dad. I know Dad would be very proud of the man you have become . I look forward to our many adventures together and falling in love with you a million more times. I love you for who you are and especially for who I am because of you.